Tear down the buildings
Wreck down the walls
Break down the foundation
Leave the debris where it falls
I watch myself
Closing down
Trying to drown
The noise and the sounds
Plugged in but disconnected
Nourished but somehow neglected
Bring me back to some universal truth
Not to comfort or to soothe
Yearning for places that can't be erased
Yearning for permanence that can't be displaced
Connected to a piece of history
Even when it's the simplicity
Of nature's unforgiving cruelty
Cave drawings, draw me
Closer to earth
Closer to soil
Closer to dirt

Mirror Mirror
On the wall
Will we end up being like our parents after all?
Will we recognize ourselves in their fault lines
fine lines
how far does the apple fall from the tree
how many versions of them can we be
When we see them in our eyes
will we despise, compromise
hear their words and mistakes as a reprise
see drafts ourselves of ourselves we need to revise
our failures in numerous tries
will we ourselves become wise
can we grow to empathize and humanize
And when we feel large
and they seem small
we must ask
Mirror Mirror
Who is the fairest of them all?
With all the kings and all the kings’ men
with all the wrong parents and all the fight friends
Can we put ourselves back together again?